I wish I was a blood sucking gorilla that had a tigers tail, a duck's beak, a sharks teeth and a dinosaurs spikes. If I was a blood sucking gorila I would give little kids nightmares about me coming into their rooms and eating them in one big bite. I would be so scary that I would be scared of myself. One day I actually made a potion that would transform me into whatever terrifying creature I wanted. When I drank the potion I felt a bit sick and went to bed but when I woke up... I was the scariest monster in the world - a blood sucking Gorilla!! When I got up off of my bed and looked in the mirror I was so scared at myself I found a brown stain on the back of my pants and a wet spot on the front.I was a bit happy though because my wish came true and now I could torture little kids in their sleep and some of the kids heads will be off when it is morning leaving their headless bodies on the floor of their rooms.
I started torturing little kids when I got used to being a blood sucking Gorilla but it wasn't that easy eating a whole head in one bite so it took me a while to actually swallow the children's heads. I went torturing every night but I got a bit of a stomach ache after a night so I had to stop eating children for a while. Anyway I have almost got caught or I could of even died before at this little girls house because her Dad walked into her room with his shotgun. Luckily I escaped unwounded. Tonight I’m going to go and try and eat the Chief's daughter Christine. When I arrived at Christine's house, I walked into her room and got ready but as soon as I was about to take her head the Chief came in, caught me with an high tech net and put me in an highly unbreakable exhibit at the zoo. Well that was the end of my torturing...you can now see me behind bars at the zoo. But don’t lean too close or you might lose your head!